A common business need of a PMIS by all enterprises

A PMIS software that caters to need of an enterprise regardless of its size, project nature and sophistication and culture is essential to the companies success. The issues faced by global enterprises and its PMIS are often the linguistics and cultural variation between its team members. Our 101Project aims to address the problems by:

1. A simple and learnable software tool

With mild computing, 101Project can easily generate project specific schedule, cost, range and human resources and renders these information by Gantt diagrams that has a increasing weight in today’s PMIS culture.

2. A Centralized and Collaborative Information Platform

101Project consolidates all the information regarding a project by the management of all the related documents, information and communication history to prevent the costs and risks of information asymmetry between the members of the project.

3. Project progress monitoring, managing and automated reporting

Aiming at the simultaneous execution of several projects, 101Project is designed to allow its users to apprehend the project progress or related problems accurately and promptly.

4. The division of the Projects and their tasks

To accurately and impartially divide the project and its tasks between the team members, 101 project allows the supervisors and the auditors to monitor and assess the achievements on each members at any stage in execution.

5. Project specific Schedule Reports

To record the every project information with fidelity, 101Project is well-developed software that helps the supervisor to make the right decision rendering of organized and analyzed information.

6. The Inheritance of Project Experience

Despite the uniqueness of each project; however, at least some of the projects may be of similar nature to an enterprise. The duplication and modification of an old project can reduce the necessary training of a new individual and prevent repeating issues of reoccurring to ensure that a successor project is always better and more efficient than its precedent.

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